The Little Trowel
Summer was coming to an end.
It was time to do some work in the garden… Read more “The Little Trowel”
Summer was coming to an end.
It was time to do some work in the garden… Read more “The Little Trowel” →
“In” is one of those little words that means an awful lot.
Being in Christ is to be… Read more “In Christ” →
Until we discover Life in Christ, we are geared towards all that is of this earthly life and we naturally interpret many spiritual things through our earthly paradigms. Even something like temptation we may look at through our natural, earthly eyes. Read more “Temptation… but not as we’ve known it” →
God’s work often begins in darkness, in blindness. Whether we realize it or not, all of us are born sick, born blind, deaf and dumb and need a healing touch from God in order to be whole. Read more “Healing… but not as we’ve known it” →
A few weeks ago we were watching an old movie, “Bridge on the River Kwai”, when Father began to speak to me through it and then I wished I’d been paying a bit more attention to the movie! Read more “Being Soldiers” →
So very many things in the spiritual realm are the opposite of the earthly and not at all what we would naturally think; God’s ways are so different to ours! Read more “Warfare… but not as we’ve known it” →
All of us have an innate need and desire to be loved and appreciated simply for who we are; not because of what we do or can give another person. Use does not define importance or acceptance; Love IS acceptance and importance! Read more “Being Loved” →
Many have seen only what is earthly and have believed that what Jesus is building is some earthly denomination, church, building, religion or organisation which can be seen and joined. Read more “Building… but not as we’ve known it” →
When we hear the term “living by faith” we usually think of people who have felt called to stop working in their vocation and to ‘live by faith’; expecting God to provide for their financial and physical needs. Read more “Living by Faith… but not as we’ve known it” →
Dear One,
I have received quite a number of prayer letters over the past couple of months, with prayers (petitions) addressed to many people, telling us what to pray and give praise for… Read more “Prayer Letter… but not as we’ve known it” →
The term “Anti-christ” when looked at in the Greek simply means any thing or any one who is in place of Christ or instead of Him in your life. Read more “Antichrist… but not as we’ve known it” →
“I will make her desert like the garden of the Lord” (Isaiah 51:3)
“Ye are God’s garden” (1 Cor. 3:9)
“I have come into My garden… I have gathered My myrhh with My spice” (Song of Solomon 5:1)
God did not resurrect a dead building, or resurrect the old system of priests, rituals and sacrifices in the temple – Christ was resurrected as a living, breathing Body! Read more “Being God’s Temple” →
Many of us are familiar with the Greek word “ekklesia” mistranslated as “church” in the Bible. Ekklesia means those called to an assembly or gathering, and did not ever mean a religious building! Read more “Being Called” →
In order to avoid unnecessary misunderstanding, please note that in this writing Christ is understood to mean ALL of Himself. Read more “Christ Alone” →
For those of us who have grown up in Christianity, we know that one of the ten commandments is to remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy. Read more “Observing the Sabbath… but not as we’ve known it” →
I cannot learn anything until I unlearn what I have already learned.
I cannot be real and genuine until I have been disillusioned. Read more “Lessons from Life” →
When I wrote The Little Photograph and Being Discerning, I realized that Father was teaching me some important things about judging and discerning correctly from His Life within me. Read more “Knowing Christ” →
Recently I heard a bird singing clearly and beautifully and I thought to myself, “That’s real pretty, but it’s just a bird on a game that my son’s playing on the computer” Read more “Being Discerning” →