One of the first things we learn as we begin to know Christ is that we have to unlearn many things. This includes things we have believed about who Jesus is.
Shortly after I put my testimony on Unveiling in February 2012, my parents visited us and my mother asked me, “Why did you not say anything about your baptism in your testimony?” I replied, “Because it was just another religious thing I did that I knew I was meant to do.” Read more “Baptism… but not as we’ve known it” →
As any lawyer will tell you, the most important thing about a testimony is that you testify to something that you personally have witnessed, experienced, seen, and heard. Read more “Being a Testimony” →
God’s modus operandi is usually the opposite of what we think. We tend to apply our earthly principles to heavenly matters and then wonder why things don’t work out as we think they should! Read more “Being Subject to the Back-to-Front Kingdom” →
Most of us are so used to living by rules that we find real freedom threatening and uncomfortable. It is easier to follow a set of static rules, than to follow Someone who often breaks our rules. Read more “The Ten Commandments… but not as we’ve known them” →
On this journey out of religion and into Christ, Father has often challenged the words I use and either redefined, or dispensed with them altogether. In this instance, He challenged my understanding of His “will”. Read more “God’s Will… but not as we’ve known it” →
Most of us know that in the Garden of Eden there were two trees: the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. And because we know that the Tree of Life is good and represents God’s Son, we usually conclude that the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil is bad. Read more “Knowledge… but not as we’ve known it” →
It’s time I admitted to myself and the world, that I have a fatal condition. I don’t know how much longer I have left to live, but the prognosis is not good; my condition is definitely terminal. Read more “Life… but not as we’ve known it” →
All of us know what fear is, no definition is necessary. We know that it is a very powerful thing. We are very easily controlled and swayed by fear. People, churches, religions, governments and the media very effectively use the power of fear to control, intimidate, manipulate and motivate people. Read more “Fear… but not as we’ve known it” →
Virtual reality rides are popular these days, a simulator can give you the feeling and experience of something real even though it is not real; it is a virtual reality… Read more “A Simulator Ride… but not as we’ve known it” →
It is one of our natural, human desires to want to do something for those we love, and this obviously includes doing things for God; we desire to please Him with whatever we can do for Him. Read more “A Temple Made by Human Hands” →
One thing about us humans which is very “natural” and yet of very real concern is our propensity to give our attention and our time to humans instead of, or as a substitute for, Jesus Christ Himself. This is an age-old temptation for us. Read more “Hear Him!” →
Being religious extends far beyond Pharisees, beyond Muslims, beyond Christians, to the very core of who we are: Self with a capital S. Read more “Religion… but not as we’ve known it” →
The word “paradox” comes from the Latin word “para” meaning “beyond” and the Greek word “doxa” meaning “popular opinion or belief”. In other words a paradox is beyond orthodox, beyond what is popular – or perhaps beyond what we are comfortable with because it is beyond our understanding! Read more “Paradoxology” →
In observing some of what is being believed and said these days, we have become increasingly concerned about much of what is being accepted as gospel truth. Read more “Being Holy” →
When God first called us out of religion in 1996, we didn’t understand exactly what He was asking us to leave. Over time we saw that He was not just calling us to leave the church we were part of, but anything and everything that was a substitute for Him. Read more “Leaving Church” →
Most of us are familiar with Google Earth – digitally zooming in on areas of the earth.
If there were such a thing, what might Google Heaven be like? Read more “Google Heaven” →
“Don’t assume that you can lean back in the arms of your religion and take it easy, feeling smug because you’re an insider to God’s revelation, a connoisseur of the best things of God, informed on the latest doctrines! Read more “Christ or Religion?” →