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Harvest Time

The Bible frequently mentions harvest time. One interpretation of the harvest is that of souls entering the kingdom, Christ stated that the harvest is ready, but the laborers are few. That is but one side of the harvest though, He also frequently referred to us as being the seed (and the fruit of the Vine) Read more “Harvest Time”


Being Anointed

For some time I had wanted to study the subject of anointing to find out how it was used and what it was for in the Bible. In so doing, I discovered that the application and use of the words “anoint”, “anointing” and “anointed” today seemed to be often used outside of the context of the Bible Read more “Being Anointed”


Being Institutionalized

Although we did not know it when God called us out of the church, many worldwide and in previous generations have heard God call them out of the doing and busyness of “church life” in order to find Him as their Life. Since leaving I’ve been increasingly aware of the many parallels between the institution of school and the institution of the church. Read more “Being Institutionalized”