
Text and art by I. Lilias Trotter

The word of the Lord has come these days in the story of the pillar of clouds and fire. The cloud spread for a covering links on with Col. 3:15 – “Let the peace of God legislate.” There is such a sense of infinite rest in the desert in being under a great shadow – it seems to bring a cool river of peace through all one’s being.

God’s guidance, if our soul’s instinct is healthy, tallies with the sense of rest – in a very real way, this sense of rest guides us – and legislates for us. Anything that brings a sense of restlessness means that we have got further from under the cloud shadow – we have gone off on some self devised path, or we have not kept pace with God… It is the same in cases of perplexity – where there is no clear command in His word to guide us – where the sense of rest falls (always taking for granted that our wills are in His Hand) there is His path – it is there that the shadow of His cloud is falling.


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