




 What's Unveiling?

Articles by Author

Stephen Bove
Harry Foster
DeVern Fromke
C. R. Golsworthy

Chris Grahl

Angus Gunn

Charles J. B. Harrison
John S.Holden

Art Katz
Poul Madsen
R. Edward Miller
Andrew Murray
Watchman Nee
Clifford Ogden
George Paterson
Jessie Penn-Lewis
H. L. Roush
W. C. Saunders
John Tauler
A. W. Tozer
I. Lilias Trotter
Lynette Woods

Stephen Bove

The Devil's Own Device

Harry Foster

The Comforter

The Cross in the Life of Elijah
Dead Flies

Don't be Offended!

The Four Pillars of Jacob

The Fragrance of Christ

God's Spiritual Temple

He Must Increase

The Perils of Legality

"Show the House to the House of Israel"

Standing Firm in the Lord

The Testimony of Resurrection


DeVern Fromke

"Wait on the Lord"


C. R. Golsworthy

The Garden of the Lord

Chris Grahl
Finding the Edge

Angus Gunn
A God Ordered Life

Charles J. B. Harrison

"Be Ye Enlarged"

The Fruit of His Travail

"Hold On To What You Have"

The Mark of a Life Under the Sovereignty of the Spirit

The Seen - or the Unseen?

The Word of God and the Testimony of Jesus


John S. Holden

The Blessedness of the Unoffended

The Divine Ministry of Delay


Art Katz

And They Crucified Him

Truth, Reality, and the Anointing


Poul Madsen



R. Edward Miller

The Prince and the Three Beggars


Andrew Murray

Humility: The Beauty of Holiness


Watchman Nee

The Body of Christ

God's Keeping Power

"In Your Light Shall We See Light"



Clifford Ogden

The Joy of the Lord

Waiting for God


George Paterson

"Seek Meekness"


Jessie Penn-Lewis

Dying to Live

The Hidden Life of the Grain of Wheat


H. L. Roush

The Man God Uses

W. C. Saunders

Looking from Above


John Tauler

The Religion of Man


A. W. Tozer

The Saint Must Walk Alone


I. Lilias Trotter

A Life on Fire

A Ripened Life

The Dandelion

Focused: A Story and a Song

Glimpses of Life with Lilias Trotter

Index of Lilias Trotter's Writings and Artwork

Parables of the Christ-life

Parables of the Cross

Parables in Nature


Sowing Heavenly Seed

Trained to Rule


Lynette Woods

A Simulator Ride... But not as we've known it

A Temple Made by Human Hands


The Anointing... But not as we've known it

Antichrist... But not as we've known it.

"Assembly Required"
Baptism... But not as we've known it
Being a Testimony

Being All Things to All Men

Being Called

Being Family

Being Glass Bottles

Being God's Temple

Being Holy

Being Houses of Prayer

Being Like Little Children

Being Loved

Being One

Being Soldiers

Being Springs of Living Water

Being Strong and Free
Being Subject to the Back-to-Front Kingdom

Being Truly Unified

Being Trumpets

Being Vindicated


Building... But not as we've known it

Christ Alone

Christ or Religion?

Communion... But not as we've known it

Comparisons of Church and School

Discerning the Body

The Enemy... But not as we've known it

Fear... But not as we've known it

God's Will... But not as we've known it

Going With the Wind

Google Heaven

Harvest... But not as we've known it

Healing... But not as we've known it

Hear Him!

Idolatry... But not as we've known it

Illumination... But not as we've known it

In Christ

Jesus... But not as we've known Him

Knowing Christ

Knowledge... But not as we've known it

Leaving Church

Lessons from Life

Life... But not as we've known it

The Little Photograph

The Little Stone

The Little Trowel

Living by Faith... But not as we've known it

Observing the Sabbath... But not as we've known it

Organ Transplants

Parables... But not as we've known them


Planting and Harvest

Prayer... But not as we've known it

Prayer Letter... But not as we've known it

Prophecy... But not as we've known it

Religion... But not as we've known it

Seeing the Son

Temptation... But not as we've known it

Ten Commandments... But not as we've known them

Testing Fruit

To Judge or Not to Judge?

"Touch Not My Anointed"... But not as we've known it

Warfare... But not as we've known it




   By Author  



 What's Unveiling?