Summer was coming to an end.
It was time to do some work in the garden.
Plants that had completed their lifecycle were due
to be pulled out and replaced with fresh new ones.
It was time to get out the little trowel...
The little red-handled trowel was put to
Although it was not big like a spade or shovel, it
too could move unwanted earth.
Due to its shape and size it was capable of being
very precise.
It was designed for a purpose...
It removed earth from a terracotta pot,
making space for a new plant.
It dug deep, loosening the soil so that new roots
could easily grow in the broken-up earth.
When it had completed its task, it was laid aside
while the new plant was inserted into the pot.
Then the back of the trowel was used to pat down the
soil firmly around the plant.
The job was done!
Thanks to the trowel's work, the new plant
could grow and thrive where it had been planted.
The gardener surveyed the finished product and was
very pleased!

During the summer months we visited friends
who live in the south of the USA.
In one of our conversations this friend mentioned
the trowels that God uses.
I thought that was a strange thing to say so
questioned him on what he meant.
It turned out that he had actually been saying
"trials" but to my ear his southern accent had
sounded like "trowels"!
Yet perhaps I did hear "correctly" after
all - our trials ARE like trowels in our Gardener's
Trials in our lives do go deep and loosen
the hardened earth.
They are precise in what they dig out.
They dig deep.
They scoop out the unnecessary earthly stuff in us.
They make room for new Life in M.E. (My Earth).
May the trials and trowels of God do their
full and complete work in you and in me in all the
seasons of our lives!
Consider it a sheer gift, friends,
when tests (trials) and challenges come at you
from all sides.
You know that under pressure, your faith-life is
forced into the open and shows its true colors.
So don't try to get out of anything prematurely.
Let it do its work so you become mature and
well-developed, not deficient in any way.
James 1:2-4 TM